
It's finally here, Skewered version! 

This is the game that I wanted the game jam entry to be. I think had it not been for power cuts and such then I probably would have made it, but never the less it's here now. As you can see I also managed to get downloadable versions done after much wrestling with canvases and resolutions. 

I think I am now happy to say that version 1 of this game is complete, roll on version 2!

First thing's first however,

More than a few things have changed so lets celebrate the completion of version 1.1.x before we throw it out for new things. 

Bug Fixes
  • Same client can't come up twice after chosen (worst possible repetition is now ABCABC instead of AAAAAA as previous)
  • Game now works properly at any resolution
  • Transparency of the text background can now be changed instead of just turned on/off
  • 6 new characters added
  • New sprites for button, dropdown, and slider UI elements
  • Re-positioned end screen so it doesn't see that scrolling is possible
  • Client text now displays along the bottom

Please do, as always, tell me if you find any issues with the game but, pending any huge discovered problems, I am officially drawing a line under version 1.x of this project... it's time to move on to new and exciting developments. 

Version 2 Then? 

Definitely! i don't know exactly how this game is going to change or what is going to be added but so far the list contains: 

  • Complete code refactoring (oh joy)
  • Allow player to click and drag piercings into position- more player interaction
  • A proper credits page
  • Sprite re-do and tidy up (background and UI)
  • Many accessibility options (UI scaling, increase text size, dim the background)
  • An exit game button! 

It should be very exiting. If you want to join in with ideas, or you want to see how the game really gets made then join me Thursdays 7pm n Twitch for tech live streams.

I think that's all for now, enjoy the improved base version and I hope there will be some more awesome delevopments to tell you about really soon! 



Skewered Win 22 MB
Mar 14, 2020
Skewered Linux 27 MB
Mar 14, 2020
Skewered 25 MB
Mar 14, 2020

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